Inês Correia

Science Communicator

Hello, I am Inês, a Science Communicator and creative based in Lisbon!

About Me


I've always loved drawing. Around 10 years ago I decided to try my hand at digital drawing, with a BAMBOO Wacom and the SumoPaint software. Since then I've learned to draw on Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Procreate, while finetuning more traditional techniques like charcoal drawing and watercolour painting.

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A few years ago I started my current job, which allowed me to get more in touch with the design area. It gave me a chance to earn new skills in Adobe tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and, as of lately, InDesign, creating logos for projects and designing event materials.

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Photography has also been a constant activity throughout the years. Although I enjoy photographing landscapes and people, my real passion is nature photography, mainly small animals like amphibians and arthropods. The camera I use is a Nikon D3400 and the photos are edited using Adobe Lightroom.

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